It all started because of my son.
You see, I had to go on bedrest for five weeks, and before long, I had been out of work for three months. During this time, my pay was cut back by quite a lot, and will continue to be for the duration of this school year. Because of this (and Christmas, and a basement remodel), we are literally living within our means with barely a penny to spare. Add to this that I'd like to lose weight and stop eating out so much, and you have our reasoning.
It was on Pinterest that I got the idea. A SAHM posted about how she made meals ahead for the month. Her idea of making a month of meals, though, was to make six up and freeze them. I'm no mathematician, but 6 does not equal 30.
I got to thinking: if I used her recipes, found more, and used some of my own, maybe I could come up with 30 crock pot meals that could easily be prepped in one day and frozen. Then, the day that you want to use them, you pop them out of the freezer, let them sit for 20 minutes, and then put in the crockpot and leave for the day.
The response I've gotten to this idea is overwhelming to say the least. I'm going to try, then, to do this every month for a year. If I can do this, I will have a different menu every month that is easy, healthy, and yummy. And also? I'll only have to massively cook one day a month. 12 days a year! How great would that be?
If you dare, come along on this journey with me. I'll post my meal list and my shopping list later.
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